The Many Paths Gathering Space (Kabacoff Room, Riverside Complex) is a welcoming, dedicated space for spiritual practice, ritual, reflection, support, connection, and breathing space, for Creating Change conference-goers of all (or no) faiths, traditions, and spiritual paths.

The room is open Wednesday through Saturday, 8am to 11pm. Stop by for spiritual practice, to chat with a Spiritual Care Team member, or to just take a quiet break from the conference.

Schedule of Offerings

All offerings are open to all!

Art as Spiritual Practice
Any otherwise unscheduled time
Drop in any time to draw, color, make paper cranes, create plastic woven bracelets, contribute to the Queer Saints community art project (see bottom of page for details) or otherwise feed your spirit with creativity.

Anointing for Activists
Available on request
Drop in to receive a blessing with oil to dedicate your work and activism.

Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
Available on request
Drop in or make an appointment for a reading by Brother Quill, from the incredible Tarot deck by Fyodor Pavolv, the Druid’s Animal and Plant oracle decks, or another deck. Maximum of four cards, 30 minutes. Normally $30-60, this service is free of charge, though tips are welcome.

Name / Gender / Pronoun Blessings 
Available on request
Drop in for a ritual of affirmation and celebration of your name, gender, and/or pronouns!

Opening Night Christian Prayer
Wednesday 1/7, 6:45pm-7:15pm
led by Rev. Marie Alford-Harkey and Rev. Lauren Bennett
Gather to join hearts in prayer and set intentions for the conference.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings, 8-8:30am
led by Teo Drake
Start your morning by grounding with a 20-min meditation. No experience necessary.

Queer Communion
Thursday 6:30pm-7:15pm
led by Rev. Marie Alford-Harkey and Rev. Lauren Bennett
Jesus gathered queer community at the table and so do we.

Muslim Jumu‘ah Prayer             
Friday 12:30-1:30pm  

Shabbat Celebration
Friday 6:30-8pm

Ancestor Circle
Saturday 1:30-2:15pm
led by Brother Quill
This ritual is intended to connect us to our Queer Ancestors of blood and spirit, to express gratitude and draw strength from Them, loosely based on generic modern Pagan ceremonial structures. We will introduce ourselves to three historical figures who will symbolically represent three types of Ancestors we can connect to for different forms of inspiration and sustenance. You are welcome to bring photos, small representative items, or simply the names of your own Ancestors, to be recognized as well.

Catholic Mass
Saturday 6:45-7:45pm
consecrated by Rev. Rosa, an ordained Roman Catholic priest

Pagan Radical Faerie Heart Circle       
Saturday 8-9pm
led by Eldritch
A tradition of the Radical Faerie community, Heart Circles invite us to speak and listen in heart-centered space.

Queer Saints Project
Ongoing community mural, growing throughout the conference
What—or who—is a Saint? Who gets to decide who is or isn’t one? Are they only for Catholics, or are there Saints in other religions? The word “saint” shares its roots with the Latin word “sanctus” meaning “holy, consecrated” and while the criteria for being recognized as a saint does differ from path to path, almost all belief systems hold certain individuals as “sacred” or “set apart” in their traditions.

While not a belief system or a religion, Queer Culture has plenty of Saints—special people who stand out, who stood up and spoke out at some time or another, whose memory embodies some of the values and virtues that many people under the 2sLGBTQIA+ umbrella hold dear. Unlike many faith traditions, we do not require our Saints to be (or appear to be) perfect or pure. If anything we find the opposite; we celebrate the flawed authenticity that is essential to our Humanity.

The Many Paths Gathering Space invites you to join in an ongoing art project wherein we recognize and celebrate these Saints, in all their forms and varieties. Come draw, doodle, paint, or just meditate on the meaning of Queer Sainthood with us!

The room is open to all for spiritual practice, reflection, art making, and breathing space during any unscheduled time. All offerings are open to all. You are welcome. You are beloved.